Colorado Caucus: March 7, 2020
Colorado will be having a Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 for the first time in many years! But on Saturday, March 7, 2020, Democrats will gather at precincts all across the state to caucus.
*Locations to your precinct will be available — please check back later!
Why Caucus?
Help Pick Candidates for the June 2020 Primary
By supporting your preferred candidate for office, you can help them qualify for the ballot for the June 2020 primary election!
*This does not apply to Presidential Candidates!
Help Shape the Colorado Democratic Platform
The process of deciding the 2020 CDP platform starts at Caucus! Make suggestions for policy inclusion, discuss changes and revisions, and leave your mark as a Democrat!
Become a Precinct Leader
By supporting your preferred candidate for office, you can help them qualify for the ballot for the June 2020 primary election!
Pave your way to the 2020 DNC as a National Delegate!
Want to be a Colorado delegate at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, WI? Participating in Caucus is required!